I have a confession to make. I am addicted to podcasts. Guys, it's serious. I don't know why I waited so long, but I fell for them and fell hard. I don't watch tv hardly at all anymore and my time on social media sites have decreased considerably. I listen to a variety of podcasts, mostly true crime (don't judge), and a few comedy. One I really enjoy and put on when I need a laugh is called the Dollop. It's an American History podcast that takes a story or a person from history, both distant and not too distant, and breaks it down into a laughter filled hour or so. I wouldn't recommend this podcast if you are thin skinned or if you can't handle listening to views that may not necessarily match up to your own or are sensitive to bad language. I love it though and I've learned quite a bit.
One great thing about listening to podcasts is I can put in my earbuds, turn on an episode, and get things done. I've found I'm much more productive. Today was a day that I needed to both laugh and get stuff done so I turned on The Dollop and got busy. Interestingly enough, one of the topics spoke to something that has been on my heart lately.
So the topic was a silly one, titled Straw Hat Riot (episode 129 for you Rubes), and basically it spoke about a time that people were so concerned that men not wear their straw hats passed a specified date, that they would literally take and destroy said hat if one was caught wearing it. It became a real issue, people were arrested and injured because of a hat. One of the hosts of the podcasts (and I paraphrase because language) said, "Why do people care what other people are doing so much?"
That's what's been laying on my heart lately. Why do people care what other people do so much? Maybe I've mellowed with age, or maybe I've encountered enough people who are different than what I grew up with, or maybe it's life experiences, who knows, but honestly folks, I don't care very much what other people choose to do if it doesn't harm anyone. For instance, how many posts have you seen regarding fashion and you just can't wrap your mind around why someone would choose to wear it? Or, perhaps you can't stand a certain celebrity, and cant fathom why someone would look up to them. How many times have you glanced at the comments of that cute puppy video you shared and saw commentors who somehow found something negative to say about it. Even those recipe videos some of us love (guilty) will have comments along the lines of "Why would anyone eat this" or "wow, this cake is really ugly, who would want it?"
Whatever it is, so many people feel the need to take a stance on the silliest of issues, becoming keyboard warriors against anyone who would dare be different. I'm here to tell you, I DON'T CARE! I don't care what you wear, how much makeup you wear, how your hair is done, what shows, music, books you like. I don't care if you prefer a certain type of vehicle or type of pet, if you can't stand a certain type of food or hobby. I don't care if you are a Baptist or a Methodist, if you prefer one type of worship music over another. I don't feel the need to turn everyone I meet into Mikel clones, who believe in the exact same way I do. Let me enjoy the things I enjoy, and I'll be glad to return the favor.
Try as you might, you will not find anyone who agrees one hundred percent with you in any given topic, be it politics, religion, current events, how you raise your family, or how you live your life. That's OK. I've learned so much from people who think differently than me. There is so much negativity in this world, why add to it? Why bring misery to yourself and others over insignificant things? Why, when there are so many real issues going on today that are much more deserving of our concern and attention?
Friends, there is so much darkness in our lives, in our world, why can't we all choose to stop finding issue with our neighbors, stop adding to the negativity, and instead bring much needed light and love into our lives and into the lives of those we encounter, even if it's just with strangers on the internet. It's okay to have differing ideas about things. It's okay to not like everything we see. However, ask yourself, would this negative thought benefit anyone else? Is it worth my time to comment about something I don't like or think is silly? Are my negative comments online or in person the witness I want to give?
May your days be filled with goodness and may we all be the light in a world filled with darkness.
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